Hello, I very much appreciate the effort put into kendoUI, and the widgets look pretty good. I just have one major issue with how the methods can be called upon as they have an enourmous impact on our code since object chaining and the great advantages jQuery offers with object chaining is simply being thrown away because of the way you force us to use the .data() method to get the kendoUI object. Following the guidelines on http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Authoring, we should be able to do the following: $('div.grid').kendoGrid(); // Initilises the grid $('div.grid').kendoGrid('refresh'); // calls the refresh method on the grid this should always return the jquery object which enables object chaining, so we might do the following: $('div.grid').kendoGrid('refresh').show(); Unfortunately, the above example using KendoUI would need to be translated into: $('div.grid').data("kendoGrid").refresh(); because the .data() method obviously does not return a jQuery object, and the refresh() method doesn't either, we can no longer benefit from chaining, and need to reselect the object to execute the show() method: $('div.grid').show(); This obviously does make things more complicated, and will cause for more code. I sincerely believe this needs to be addressed. A forum topic on this is available at http://www.kendoui.com/forums/ui/general-discussions/why-aren-t-widget-methods-just-added-through-object-extention.aspx#2040399