Last Updated: 20 Nov 2014 18:26 by ADMIN
Created on: 16 Mar 2012 06:52
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
editor image upload and advanced options
The beta text editor is looking good and has an option to insert images via url.
However for most end users they will need a simple image upload.

The kendoupload means you already have much of the required functionality, it just needs to upload the image and return the url.

Also options such as adding title, alt, resizing and alignment will be good.

We currently use ckeditor and until the advanced image options are matched will not be able to move this over to kendo.
Posted on: 20 Nov 2012 16:41
Image upload was added to the editor with the Q3 release.
John Grant
Posted on: 19 Oct 2012 16:35
I agree. A plug-in file manager for the Kendo Editor is urgently needed!

Does anyone know the timeframe when this will be available? 

Seem to been waiting ages for this.
Posted on: 13 Jun 2012 13:51
Hi, this is exactly the same thing (as Mark mentioned) why I can not use KENDO editor live, this is the only and last missing feature on it. Then it will be perfect tool.
Jon Edmiston
Posted on: 25 Apr 2012 21:25
Totally agree with Mark.  Without a basic server file manager we must continue to use Tiny MCE.