Option to refresh one item from a datasource from the server using a GET request using the transport read url appended with the item ID field value. See: http://www.kendoui.com//forums/framework/data-source/how-to-refresh-an-item-in-a-datasource-with-server-data.aspx
I beg to differ but I don't think the workaround provided really answer the request. Please read my post about it for more details: http://www.telerik.com/forums/how-to-refresh-an-item-in-a-datasource-with-server-data#FG4Rg0NH1k-DGu9K8UEmhA
I assume this sample illustrates how to achieve your goal: http://trykendoui.telerik.com/@korchev/Exow Due to this I am setting the status of this entry as complete.
This idea has been under review for almost 18 months. Can you give us a little update about this feature request?
If I already have the item as JSON, is there any way to tell the data source to use this JSON to update the item (after I find it by ID)?
I can't even see a way to do this for local data without causing the entire grid to re-render.