When bound to oData, the autocomplete contains filter should treat each WORD as a new "substringof"....or make a new odata advanced contains type\property. This is more what users expect when searching...and the odata spec has it covered. http://www.kendoui.com/forums/ui/autocomplete/odata-google-like-filter.aspx
Good idea, though I think it would be helpful to provide custom filtering to the autocomplete widget in the same way as it is done directly on the datasource, for eample in the filter method. The filter method takes a filter object or an array of filter object, and the logical relation between these filter objects can be set ('and' or 'or'). It would be even more useful to provide this so that filtering can be performed on multiple fields.
Excellent Idea! Got my vote. OData support for Kendo UI ASP.NET MVC Server Wrappersn would be even better ;-) http://feedback.kendoui.com/forums/127393-kendo-ui-feedback/suggestions/4388607-odata-support-for-kendo-ui-asp-net-mvc-server-wrap Please check out this great article: Momentum Grows as OData v4 Achieves Standards Milestone http://blogs.msdn.com/b/interoperability/archive/2013/05/28/momentum-grows-as-odata-v4-achieves-standards-milestone.aspx OData v4.0 is expected to become an OASIS Standard in 2013.
yes please
** Same deal with the autocomplete in the combo box btw **