Last Updated: 20 Dec 2011 01:23 by Tony
Created on: 17 Dec 2011 05:17
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Provide methos/events to bind widgets together
It would be nice if either through the framework or the individual widget config settings to be able to identify dependent widgets. For example chain combo boxes or drop downs based on selection (country -->states-->city). Probably auto complete, combos and dropdowns (and list widgets when we have them) would all be much improved with this feature.

Thanks for considering....heck, thanks for asking!
Posted on: 20 Dec 2011 01:23
Hi and thanks for responding. I've looked at the demo you suggested, but it's a different functionality. The linkage I need involves data in several different tables linked via foreign key fields. The demo uses one table (or view) not multiple related tables. Very few linked form controls will get data from one table...that would mostly serve only display features like the demo.

So, can the data source be setup to include data from and entire mysql db, or multiple related tables? If so, are there examples? Would I need to setup separate data sources for each linked control?  Thanks again for the quick response, but I'd like clarification on this. I'd really like to start replacing some of my older apps to Kendo UI apps, but almost all of my forms require multiple related table data.

Thanks again.
Telerik Admin
Posted on: 19 Dec 2011 17:07
You can support such dependencies as ilustrated on this live demo: (i.e. using shared data source component and executing filter commands against it). See the code logic of the demo for more details and extend it in par with your preferences.