Last Updated: 01 Jun 2015 18:36 by ADMIN
Patrice Boissonneault
Created on: 15 Dec 2011 07:10
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Integrate Kendo UI to Telerik ASP.Net Ajax suite
I do not understand why Telerik is releasing a client-side only version of their controls.  Why are not the ASP.Net Ajax components generate html5 controls like the Kendo UI one? 

I would like the controls that I bought (ASP.Net Ajax) to adapt to the world, this is the reason why we first bought them (to avoid taking care of writing client-side interface over and over again and technology progress).

Please integrate KendoUI to Telerik server controls.

Telerik Admin
Posted on: 01 Jun 2015 10:44
We are considering the creation of server-side wrappers for Kendo UI, starting with MVC and PHP ones. The ASP.NET AJAX Telerik suite gradually receives html5 features, if that is what you are looking for - see this forum thread for reference:

Additionally, all DataViz widgets in Kendo UI receive ASP.NET AJAX wrappers in our UI for ASP.NET AJAX suite.
Telerik Admin
Posted on: 22 Dec 2011 14:13
Check our reply in the other thread you started in connection with this subject:
Hugo Augusto
Posted on: 21 Dec 2011 20:48
I also don't understand Kendo UI. Do you have so many clients that needed this client only solution? Should't Kendo UI be integrated somehow into for ajax controls over time? Please think about this. Thanks.
Patrice Boissonneault
Posted on: 15 Dec 2011 18:42
Interesting... still wondering why you did not upgraded your server-side components to deliver kendo-style client rendering instead of starting over from client, then adding back server-side.   Our goals (and I'm sure we are not the only one to have it) : Spend as less time as possible re-writting our app ui.  Please leverage our server-side components investement.  Thanks.