The minimize function does not work when added to a kendoWindow. A North pointing triangle is added to the title bar bu nothing happens when clicked. Also restricting the Maximize to the parent containier (DIV) as suggested by another user should be implemented soon.
Tested this demo: under Chrome/FireFox 10/IE9 - the minimize functionality works as expected.
Minimize functionality not working with the latest beta version of Kendo.
function ShowCreatePop() { var window = $("#pubWindow").kendoWindow({ actions: ["Refresh", "Maximize", "Minimize", "Close"], title: "Create or Edit Template", width: "975px", height: "670px", visible: false, content: "http://localhost/aimsweblinksite/SalesRepArea/PopupView.aspx?sendername="+document.getElementById('<%= hdnsendername.ClientID %>').value //contentUrl: 'PopupView.aspx' }).data("kendoWindow"); var window = $("#pubWindow").data("kendoWindow");;; } the below one actions: ["Refresh", "Maximize", "Minimize", "Close"], makes ur Kendo window to Maximize, Minimize, refresh and close etc