Like many other Kendo components, the treeview is not mature enough to be considered to display dynamic hierarchical data in a LOB application (features limit its use to a static web site). I can only recommend to urgently add databinding to a datasource. Then you will have to consider loading the dataSource on demand. See
Will a binding to a remote datasource be included in the Q2 2012 release?
Please add databinding to the treeview as a matter of urgency. Why aren't you able to use what you learnt from the Telerik MVC treeview which does this binding really well?
@jpv Apart from loading the tree on demand, especially on expanding nodes, one of the great benefits of wiring the tree to a dataSource which your sample does not provide is the ability to update the dataSource when renaming or dragging and dropping nodes with batch updates or single updates.
@jpv Although Telerik could certainly consider a hierarchical datasource (see, a tree can easily be represented in a tabular datasource with a parentId column. A tabular datasource works well with loading on demand since you would load all nodes with the same parentId.
Globally that's what i asked : In my example, data is loading via ajax (work good even for ~large object giving a tree whith more than 100 lines (<ul> or <li>). But hierarchical data in a datasource ? It's tabular data in fact ?
Nice idea. CF has nice node level linking from TreeNode Selected - to the grid presentation in an IFrame or Div.