Will you be doing something like KnockoutJS?
Thanks for the explanation, Vesselin - indeed this the reason why this item is marked as completed. Concering the KO integration, please read this blog post and the comments in it: http://www.kendoui.com/blogs/teamblog/posts/12-02-16/kendo_ui_mvvm_and_knockoutjs.aspx
And they're also working on adding custom bindings for KnockoutJS itself so you could use KO instead their own MVVM framework if you prefer. Not quite sure what's going on with that though. I only know this through couple of blog and forum posts.
They are referring to their new MVVM framework that they've built into Kendo UI. It is currently in Beta and scheduled for final release later this month. You can check it out here: http://demos.kendoui.com/beta/web/mvvm/index.html It's similar in some ways to how KnockoutJS works so if you know KO, you should be able to pick Kendo MVVM fairly quick.
It'd be super awesome if you guys could specify which added functionality resulted in this being marked completed.
Do you mean this: http://demos.kendoui.com/integration/index.html ?