Hello together,
I am experiencing a bug with the following use case:
When upgrading Telerik.Documents.Fixed from version 2024.3.806 to version 2024.4.1106 the exported PDF file is missing different parts of the originally imported PDF file or even results in a complete "messy" file. Input and output files are view with Adobe Acrobat, Google Chrome, Edge...all showing the same result.
Even omitting step 2 (i.e. I only import and directly export the PDF file) results in the same bug after.
I do not use any special import or export setting to reproduce the error. But even with applying different import/export settings I could not change the buggy outcome.
var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\temp\in.pdf");
var formatProvider = new PdfFormatProvider();
var document = formatProvider.Import(bytes, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20));
var outBytes = formatProvider.Export(document, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20));
File.WriteAllBytes(@"C:\temp\out.pdf", outBytes);
See the attached file for example, import it and export it (via code snippet above).
With version 2024.3.806 everything works fine - and as I am not seeing any relevant breaking changes or other release information regarding this issue, I am a little bit lost with what I could do to solve the issue..
Thanks for your support!