Currently, on each change of the image, a new instance of the image is stored in the undo/redo stack. This means that the memory grows very fast. Especially, in a scenario with big images.
Create a smarter undo/redo mechanisms that saves only the applied change in the image.
Currently, the Telerik.Pivot.DataProviders.Adomd project relies on that the Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient dll is installed in the GAC. The dll is installed with the ADOMD feature package that come with the SQL Server installation. If the required SQL Server feature is not installed on the machine, the Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.dll is missing from the GAC and the installation of the Telerik.Pivot.DataProviders.Adomd.for.Wpf package fails with an error. The error is:
Failed to add reference. The package 'Telerik.Pivot.DataProviders.Adomd.for.Wpf.Xaml' tried to add a framework reference to 'Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient' which was not found in the GAC. This is possibly a bug in the package. Please contact the package owners for assistance.
Add a dependency to the Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient package, instead of relying on the dll installed in the GAC.
Add information about the selection in the SelectionChanged event arguments.
- We need to differentiate from mouse event to keyboard event. But since the EventArgs is empty we are not able to differentiate.
Currently, the RadExpressionEditor control shows a wavy underline and a red color to indicate that an error is present.
We could introduce API to modify this behavior, which will ultimately be used by the ChangeUnderlineDecoration and ChangeUnderlinesColor methods of the internal RadRichTextBox control.
FileDialogs are constructed by RadWindow and ExplorerControl as its content. Explorer control holds navigation tree, autocomplete, filtering combobox, main pane for viewing fodler and files, search box, breadcrumb. You can check all visual parts in the following help article: Users might need to put the ExplorerControl in non-window parts of their application (for example in docked RadPane of RadDocking. Also, they might need to override OK/Cancel commands for that purpose.