Last Updated: 22 Oct 2024 11:59 by Stenly

A XamlParseException is raised when the theme's resource dictionaries are not merged in App.xaml. The missing resource is the RepeatButtonStyle resource.

To work this around, merge the resource dictionaries for the theme in the Resources collection of the App.xaml file.

In Development
Last Updated: 21 Oct 2024 21:06 by Rakesh
Memory leak due to GridViewRowAutomationPeer holding instance to the data item
Last Updated: 11 Oct 2024 07:38 by mmix
Created by: Laurent Kempé
Comments: 19
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request


I would like to know if Progress Telerik has some plan to port their WPF controls to Avalonia (avaloniaui.net).




Last Updated: 08 Oct 2024 10:26 by Martin Ivanov

When trying to install one of the following nuget packages an error occurs:

  • Telerik.Windows.Controls.EntityFramework60.for.Wpf.Xaml
  • Telerik.UI.for.Wpf.AllControls.Xaml (which contains the EF6 package from the previous bullet)

The same issue manifests with the NoXaml version of the same packages.

The error message is:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Details
Error Failed to add reference. The package 'Telerik.Windows.Controls.EntityFramework60.for.Wpf.Xaml' tried to add a framework reference to 'EntityFramework' which was not found in the GAC. This is possibly a bug in the package. Please contact the package owners for assistance.
Reference unavailable.
To work this around, To work this around, you can reference the Telerik.Windows.Controls.EntityFramework60.dll directly and manually install the EntityFramework package (version 6.4.4), instead of using the nuget package.


Last Updated: 25 Sep 2024 06:23 by Gabriele Luigi
EnumEditor in PropertyGrid is not ReadOnly when ReadOnlyEditorState="ReadOnly"
Last Updated: 24 Sep 2024 08:02 by Stenly
Currently, the Telerik UI for WPF product does not have an editor that works mainly with the DateTimeOffset value type. We could introduce such an editor.
Last Updated: 17 Sep 2024 12:32 by ADMIN

Currently the Windows 11 theme for Telerik WPF features the ability to switch backdrop material to Acrylic, Mica and None, but what it's missing the Mica ALT material.

Because of the substantial difference from the normal Mica material, and the ability it gives to create more modern looking applications we think that the addition of this backdrop material would greatly benefit an already very good looking theme!

Last Updated: 07 Aug 2024 08:39 by ADMIN
Release 2024.3.806 (2024 Q3)
Add the full .NET Framework packages (like Telerik.UI.for.Wpf.45.Xaml) in the Telerik online feed (https://nuget.telerik.com/v3/index.json).
Last Updated: 30 Jul 2024 08:21 by ADMIN
The Methode go to page isnt jumping the to the right page if the zoom isnt a 100%.

Last Updated: 30 Jul 2024 08:20 by ADMIN

Currently PropertyDefinitions have only one Property for DataBinding, which is very strange solution.

All these instances are DependencyObject, but at the same time they are not in the visual tree and we could not bind to a visibility or to readonly or to any other property without some starnge sorkarounds (why this was designed in this way?).

This makes these objects almost useless. becuae we cannot fully use them in an MVVM way (bindings, multiibindings, etc.)

Possible solutions:

  1. provide bindings for all properties to make them be bindable withput any workarounds
  2. Change PropertyDefinitions to something that will live inside visual tree.


Last Updated: 30 Jul 2024 08:19 by ADMIN

Using RadTabbedWindow I noticed difficulty dragging maximized windows between monitors. It seems to happen in multi-monitor environments and only when dragging Left of the PrimaryScreen.

In the video I've included , the blue window is a standard window and can be maximized in one drag across any display.

The white window is RadTabbedWindow and the drag will default to the PrimaryScreen when dragged to the left-most display.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Last Updated: 10 Jul 2024 08:55 by Martin Ivanov
Created by: Martin Ivanov
Comments: 0
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request
Add a ComboBox control with hierarchical items structure like in RadTreeView.
Last Updated: 05 Jul 2024 11:38 by Zac
Cobination of GetBestView() and SetView() with pixelPadding parameter set might result in such zoom value that Map does not show all of the items intended to focus in the viewport. Padding and should always visualize all items given in the list.
Last Updated: 25 Jun 2024 05:54 by Jennifer
One is unable to paste in Excel when selecting all and copying with the top left button.
Last Updated: 03 Jun 2024 09:30 by ADMIN
Created by: Rick
Comments: 1
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request

Hi, we have many documents (drawings) and these documents are full of stamps. Unfortunately the pdfviewer does not show them.

I am only asking for rendering stamps properly, not creating or modifying. I want to see the stamps. I also see that some stamps are rendered, not all, but some and they are displayed off the document. as if they were rotated 90deg. If no support is added, at least correct the position they are displayed at.

I have attached two pictures, one opened in Adobe and one with the viewer in my app.


Please consider at least fixing the display, even if no support for stamps is provided. Just display it correctly. By the way the stamps have not been flattened. that is intentional.



Last Updated: 28 May 2024 05:03 by ADMIN
Created by: Tanya
Comments: 10
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request
Enable the customers to create and modify .pptx (PowerPoint) files . They need processing as well as showing such documents.
Last Updated: 15 May 2024 13:18 by ADMIN


I would like to report that Z-index have unexpected values when RadDiagramContainerShape are used.

Please watch video first, my remarks points to the video attached to the ticket.

1. Currently there is a possibility that Container A can be hidden by Container B and this is fine.(~11sec of movie)

2. However then i will add Container C to Container A and then drag Container B to overlaps Container A it overlaps only Container A and does not overlaps Container C which for end-user could be very confusing, why Container C is visible at that time.(~20-30 sec of movie)

The problem gets more complicated when i drop Container B to overlaps Container A but without adding Container B as a child of Container A.

In that way it looks that children of Container A are children of Container B

3. When i will add new container "Header" to Container B and then overlaps Container A and Container C then its even more mixed up(~ 30-50 sec of movie)

4. When i will add new container "Header" to Container A and Z-index are somehow refreshed and then in magic way Container_C now overlaps "Header" container from Container B(~58sec of movie)

I would expect:

Fix calculation of Z-index in that way if Container B overlaps Container A it means it overlaps as well it's children. Currently you have flat hierarchy of VMI containers which leads to such Z-index issues. 


Expose possibility to override your internal methods which calculates the Z-index.

Last Updated: 15 May 2024 13:14 by ADMIN


I would like to report that automatic generate of connection point for Bezier connection is wrongly generated when link is attached to Gliding Connector.

Connection point is generated at the position where link is attached to shape. I think for such use-case you should generate connection point taking into account angle of link in relate to shape and generate connection point a bit moved. When connection point is generated at attach position it makes that the "arrow" of link have wrong angle.

I'm attaching video and your sample solution with my modifications to easier reproduction.

Best regards,


Last Updated: 09 May 2024 08:43 by ADMIN
Hi, this document is displaying the stamps in the wrong place. I am using this tool to load drawings published by Adobe and Autocad. The stamps that are added later do not display properly. Using Windows 10 and Windows 11, also lates Telerik Componets just released. 2024 for WPF. Please see attachment for testing.
Last Updated: 30 Apr 2024 07:13 by ADMIN
Created by: Aylin
Comments: 4
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request
Create NuGet symbol packages - containing the .pdb files - corresponding to the primary NuGet packages. The process is described here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/create-packages/symbol-packages .

This will facilitate the debugging of problems in the controls code.
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