When using French culture (fr-CH), one cannot input more than 4 digits. This is because the thousand separator is set to NarrowNonBreakableSpace.
Possible workaround, use NonBreakableSpace.
The decimal.MinValue is displayed when e negative value is pasted in RadMaskedCurrencyInput when the maskedInput:MaskedInputExtensions.Minimum attached property is set to 0, and the current Value is null.
To work this around, you can override the HandlePaste method of the masked input control.
public class CustomMaskedCurrencyInput : RadMaskedCurrencyInput
protected override void HandlePaste()
object clipBoardValue = Clipboard.GetText();
if (clipboardValue can be parsed to a number and it is a negative number)
// don't call the base method
In Insert Mode digits are not inserted properly. For example, with Value 123456 - when caret is between 3 and 4 pressing digit overwrites the digit 4 but is shouldn't
This can be reproduced in the Telerik UI for WPF demo application, demo "MASKED INPUT | Numeric Input" -> More Masked Input Examples.
When (very!) quickly following a numeric key press with a press on the enter key, the input field clears itself, causing a discrepancy between the bound ViewModel property (that is correctly updated to the entered value) and the displayed control (which is now empty). For the end result, see the attached Screenshot.
The Tab key does not seem to cause this behavior although it causes the binding to update just like the enter button.
No matter how quickly you press the enter button after entering a value, the control should display the exact value I entered and should never just clear itself.
With best regards
Simon Müller
The display text (the text displayed when the controls is not focused) doesn't match the FormatString on startup of RadMaskedNumericInput. This happens if the FormatString is "00" and the initial value is set to 0. In this case, the initially displayed text is "0", instead of the expected "00". When you focus the masked input control and then lost the focus, the correct display text is shown.
To workaround this, you can override the CoerceDisplayTextOverride method of RadMaskedNumericInput and replace the returned value in case it is "0".
public class CustomMaskedNumericInput : RadMaskedNumericInput
protected override string CoerceDisplayTextOverride()
var txt = base.CoerceDisplayTextOverride();
if (txt == "\00")
txt = "00";
return txt;
You have the following scenario: The UpdateValueEvent property is set to "LostFocus". You have bound the Value property of the control to a property from your ViewModel. When this property is changed programmatically from negative to positive several times, the Value property of the control isn't updated correctly. It stays negative when it must stay positive. Workaround (if applicable): You can change the UpdateValueEvent property to "PropertyChanged" Other Possible workaround (if the bound property is named "Sum") private void radMaskedNumericInputSum_ValueChanging_1(object sender, Telerik.Windows.Controls.MaskedInput.RadMaskedInputValueChangingEventArgs e) { if (this.Sum != (double)e.NewValue) { e.Handled = true; } }
Provide a way to set .5 and display it like 0.5 , not 5.0 in No-Mask Numeric input.
This is reproducible with RadMaskedNumericInput and RadMaskedCurrencyInput, when the Mask property is empty.
UpdateValueEvent is LostFocus. FormtString is non default - for example n2 or c2.
When all text is selected and delete key is pressed, the Text will become "$,." or "-." or "($)" - non digit symbols remain in text.
Expected: Text becomes empty string "".
Add a property to force only allowing uppercase values, without needing to specify a number of characters or have the underline in the control.
This is achievable in code, but it seems unnecessary to go to such lengths for each instance where it is needed.
private void bankCode_ValueChanging(object sender, Telerik.Windows.Controls.MaskedInput.RadMaskedInputValueChangingEventArgs e)
NumericInput or CurrencyInput with value 555666.00.
Select the part '666' press 7. This results is
55|57.00 (caret should be after 7 but is actually shifted to wrong position)
Dear Telerik Team,
We are facing an issue in MaskedCurrencyInput when using Chinese keyboard. MaskedCurrencyInput control is showing numbers along with other characters that are not numeric.
In case of typing alphabets, MaskedCurrencyInput is showing suggestion box of chinese characters and also showing alphabetic characters on input area.
This is working fine in English keyboards but in chinese keyboard Chinese Suggestion box and chinese characters are appearing which should not.
Steps to Reproduce:
1- Use MaskedCurrencyInput of Telerik in XAML WPF.
2- Type alphabets e.g. abcd in MaskedCurrencyInput field box. Chinese Suggestion would appear.
Chinese Suggestion box and chinese characters should not appear. Kindly let me know if it would be resolved or any work around to stop this chinese suggestion box to be opened.
In order to reproduce, you need to focus the control when you run the application. 1.When you press the backspace key it removes the last character and after pressing it a second time the character will be replaced with the removed character. 2. When paste(Ctrl+V) a text in the control, the text is ignoring the current position of the caret and position at the beginning of the control.
CurrenyInput with Indian Culture. Value is 123456789.
Controls shows: "₹ 1,234,56,789.00"
Expected is : "₹ 12,34,56,789.00"