Last Updated: 22 Oct 2024 11:29 by Stenly
Currently, the all-day area will host appointments that have their IsAllDayEvent property set to True. Additionally, we could further extend the functionality of the all-day area by providing the option to create appointments directly in it (either via double-click or via a button). 
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2024 14:14 by Stenly

In the scenario where the Fluent theme is applied and the MonthViewDefinition'sAllowCustomAppointmentSize property is set to True, appointments with different heights may overlap the expand/collapse RadToggleButton when collapsed.

To work this around, extract the default GroupHeaderStyleSelector for the Fluent theme. Then, extract the Style with x:Key="MonthViewBottomLevelWeekGroupStyle" and modify the Padding property's value. Set this Style to the MonthViewBottomLevelWeekGroupStyle property of the extracted OrientedGroupHeaderStyleSelector (default GroupHeaderStyleSelector). Finally, set an instance of the modified style selector to the GroupHeaderStyleSelector property of RadScheduleView.

Last Updated: 23 Sep 2024 14:12 by Franz
The virtualization logic of the group headers expects equal sizes, in order to improve the performance with a lot of appointments. Currently, we do not have an option to restrict or specify a maximum size (width or height depending on the orientation of the view definition).
Last Updated: 04 Sep 2024 08:40 by Martin Ivanov
Currently, there is no event that tells you when the slots dragging is finished. Add an event or a method override that is called when the multiple slots selection with the mouse is finished. Consider adding an event also for the drag started.
Won't Fix
Last Updated: 25 Jul 2024 13:09 by ADMIN

Issues when using IsGroupHeadersVirtualizationEnabled=true in timeline mode with different-sized resources:

- Drag&Drop of appointments ends up in the wrong place. The drop preview is also displayed incorrectly on the wrong "resource".
- Placement of appointments when scrolling vertically. Landing visually in other "resources".
- The marking of the slots/cells under the mouse are shifted/wrong and thus also the selection of areas/slots.
Last Updated: 01 Jul 2024 13:36 by Franz
Slots in ScheduleView with virtualization are not rendered when resetting the bound collection instead of adding one by one 
Last Updated: 26 Jun 2024 08:31 by ADMIN
Release R2 2020
Currently the CurrentTimeIndicator is shown under the appointments when its position is set to WholeArea. Add an option to change this and display the indicator on top of the appointments.
Last Updated: 13 Mar 2024 09:44 by ADMIN
Release 2024.1.219 (Preview)
The first Appointment instance of a data-bound RadScheduleView is misaligned.
Last Updated: 16 Jan 2024 16:56 by Martin Ivanov
Currently, if you add an appointment that is partially in two days (lets say, start=16 Jan 2024 23:00:00; end=17 Jan 2024 13:00:00), two AppointmentItem containers are created so that the appointment continues drawing on the next day. This is the expected behavior and it brings clear visualization of the corresponding event.

In some scenarios, the user may not want to see the second AppointmentItem. For example, if the day is defined to be more than 24 hours (via the DayStart/EndTime of the DayViewDefinition). In that case, the day group may be enough to show the full appointment, so the user may not want to see the second AppointmentItem in the next day.

Add a mechanism that allows you cancel the creation of the second AppointmentItem. This could be a property that tells if the continued AppointmentItem should be created, or a method override, or a filter (like the OccurrenceFilter or AppointmentFilter).
Last Updated: 18 Dec 2023 06:53 by ADMIN
Release LIB 2023.3.1218 (18 Dec 2023)
Select a slot in WeekViewDefinition. Alt + click the last slot on the same row:
Expected - all slots from the first select to the last clicked including should be selected.
Actual: Selection contains only the  first slot plus the slot below it on the next row:


Last Updated: 18 Dec 2023 06:53 by ADMIN
Release LIB 2023.3.1218 (18 Dec 2023)
ScheduleView uses IsGroupHeadersVirtualizationEnabled True.
Special Slots are added for every row.
Resizing the ScheduleView plus scrcollign can lead to doubly-rendered slots or missing slots in many rows.
Last Updated: 07 Dec 2023 11:27 by Martin Ivanov
Currently, if you define your own GroupDescriptionsSource and the last description in the collection is not DateGroupDescription, the all-day area won't be rendered. Allow the all-day area to get rendered even if the DateGroupDescription is not last in the collection.
Last Updated: 27 Nov 2023 06:23 by ADMIN
Release LIB 2023.3.1127 (27 Nov 2023)
This should be similar to the GetContainerForItemOverride method that allows you to replace the auto-generated container of an items control (like ListBox for example). 

The new method should return an AppointmentItem and the developer should be able to use it in order to create a custom implementation of AppointmentItem.

Last Updated: 24 Nov 2023 12:17 by Stenly
Currently, information about the selected slots for one day can be retrieved when deriving from the SlotSelectionBehavior class or via the SelectedSlot property. We could include a way to provide information about the selected slots for more than one day.
Last Updated: 28 Aug 2023 08:40 by ADMIN
Release LIB 2023.2.904 (4 Sep 2023)

The AppointmentItem element has a default value of Top for the VerticalContentAlignment property for the Windows 11 theme. In other themes, this property has a default value of Stretch.

To change it, create a Style with TargetType="AppointmentItem" and base it on the default AppointmentItemBaseStyle Style. On the newly created Style, set the VerticalContentAlignment property to Stretch (it is currently Top in the Windows11 theme). After that, change the default OrientedAppointmentItemStyleSelector so that each Style for its properties is based on the new Style, rather than the default one (AppointmentItemBaseStyle). Finally, set the custom OrientedAppointmentItemStyleSelector to the AppointmentStyleSelector property of RadScheduleView.

The following code snippet shows this suggestion's implementation:


<Style x:Key="CustomAppointmentItemStyle" TargetType="scheduleView:AppointmentItem" BasedOn="{StaticResource AppointmentItemBaseStyle}">
    <Setter Property="VerticalContentAlignment" Value="Stretch"/>
<scheduleView:OrientedAppointmentItemStyleSelector x:Key="CustomAppointmentItemStyleSelector">
        <Style TargetType="scheduleView:AppointmentItem" BasedOn="{StaticResource CustomAppointmentItemStyle}">
            <Setter Property="Margin" Value="3 0 3 3"/>
        <Style TargetType="scheduleView:AppointmentItem" BasedOn="{StaticResource CustomAppointmentItemStyle}">
            <Setter Property="Margin" Value="2 3 1 0"/>
        <Style TargetType="scheduleView:AppointmentItem" BasedOn="{StaticResource CustomAppointmentItemStyle}"/>
        <Style TargetType="scheduleView:AppointmentItem" BasedOn="{StaticResource CustomAppointmentItemStyle}">
            <Setter Property="Margin" Value="1"/>
            <Setter Property="ResizeCursor" Value="SizeNS"/>
            <Setter Property="Template" Value="{StaticResource AppointmentItemVerticalControlTemplate}"/>
<Style TargetType="scheduleView:RadScheduleView" BasedOn="{StaticResource RadScheduleViewStyle}">
    <Setter Property="AppointmentStyleSelector" Value="{StaticResource CustomAppointmentItemStyleSelector}"/>

Won't Fix
Last Updated: 08 Aug 2023 15:02 by ADMIN
When the collection bound to the AppointmentsSource property is cleared and filled with data again, the tooltip of one of the appointments could become visible and it will be displayed on top of all applications.
Last Updated: 11 May 2023 16:01 by Stenly
The expand button that is used for expanding the GroupHeader is visible even when all appointments are displayed in a TimeRulerMonthViewItem.
Last Updated: 09 Mar 2023 16:58 by ADMIN
Created by: Johan
Comments: 0
Category: ScheduleView
Type: Feature Request
For a customer project we would like to be able to have the ability to add exceptions to the recurrencepattern of a scheduleview SpecialSlot.

This would be used for displaying different types of working hours which have a recurrence but on occasion also have a exception.

Could this feature be added?

Johan Lollinga
Ideo B.V.
Last Updated: 08 Mar 2023 08:35 by ADMIN
Release R1 2023 SP1
Placing an appointment in a read-only slot will prevent the user from modifying its occurrences (for example, changing the subject of an occurring appointment).
Last Updated: 16 Feb 2023 11:01 by Stenly
Currently, RadScheduleView will not adjust the start and end date of the appointments depending on the time zone, in which they were created.
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