Last Updated: 10 Jun 2024 10:47 by ADMIN
Created on: 07 Jun 2024 08:42
Category: Docking
Type: Feature Request
Docking: Make RadPane header strechs to all RadPaneGrup width if only one RadPane available in Group

I need a behaior for RadPane like this:


When we have onl one RadPane, then show headr with a full RadPane group width (Which can be achived using PaneHeader)

In opposite - use regular tab style

Also if I undock RadPane to ToolWindow and I have only single item, I want to completely hide tabs/headers

All this should work for Top TabStripPlacement


1 comment
Martin Ivanov
Posted on: 10 Jun 2024 10:47

Hello Denis,

This idea makes sense, so I've changed its status to Unplanned and updated your Telerik points. 

In the meantime, and idea you can explore (aside from customizing the ControlTemplate of RadPaneGroup) is to change the TabStripPlacement setting of the corresponding RadPaneGroup to Bottom, when there is only a single pane in it.

Martin Ivanov
Progress Telerik

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