Last Updated: 23 Sep 2024 14:12 by Franz
Created on: 26 Sep 2023 16:07
Category: ScheduleView
Type: Feature Request
ScheduleView: Introduce API to allow specifying equal maximum sizes for the groups when IsGroupHeadersVirtualizationEnabled is set to True
The virtualization logic of the group headers expects equal sizes, in order to improve the performance with a lot of appointments. Currently, we do not have an option to restrict or specify a maximum size (width or height depending on the orientation of the view definition).
1 comment
Posted on: 23 Sep 2024 14:12

As a year went by and the problem/limitation of the virtualization won`t be fixed.
Are there any news around this topic you can share? Also are there any improvements planned for the virtualization feature?


I absolutely need this extension to make the scheduleview usable. Without virtualization, it is much too sluggish and with virtualization, massive errors occur as soon as the rows no longer have the same height.

I have currently used an implicit style to ensure that the rows have a minimum height. This prevents errors as long as there are not too many appointments so that the rows exceed the minimum height and are therefore no longer uniform. The minimum height currently has the major disadvantage that empty or almost empty rows also have to take up a lot of height, which greatly reduces the overview.

The optimal solution for me would be if i could configure a fixed height (not just a maximum height). This would allow me to use virtualization without errors.
In addition, i would then have to implement an “overflow feature”, which displays a “...-button” if there are too many appointments for the height and can display the remaining appointments somehow/where. Is there currently such an overflow feature or are you considering one?

So this extension is extremely important for me and I would be happy if its prioritization could be re-evaluated.