Won't Fix
Last Updated: 25 Jul 2024 13:09 by ADMIN
Created on: 27 Jun 2024 08:44
Category: ScheduleView
Type: Bug Report
ScheduleView: Issues when using IsGroupHeadersVirtualizationEnabled=true in timeline mode with different sized resources

Issues when using IsGroupHeadersVirtualizationEnabled=true in timeline mode with different-sized resources:

- Drag&Drop of appointments ends up in the wrong place. The drop preview is also displayed incorrectly on the wrong "resource".
- Placement of appointments when scrolling vertically. Landing visually in other "resources".
- The marking of the slots/cells under the mouse are shifted/wrong and thus also the selection of areas/slots.
1 comment
Posted on: 25 Jul 2024 13:07
Hi Franz,
We are declining this bug report as this is clearly a limitation from the first version of the feature - it does not work with differently-sized headers. Virtualization calculations cannot guess the sizes that are outside screen so there is no straightforward way or algorithm to implement such beahavior. This limitation is noted in our documentation:
