Hello Heiko,
Thank you for the update.
You are correct that the listed operators are supported, however there is still a GroupBy that cannot be translated. The internal data engine of the RadGridView uses a GroupBy query when processing the aggregate function results.
Vladimir Stoyanov
Progress Telerik
Hello Vladimir,
this is only partly true. Read this:
The aggregate operators EF Core supports are as follows
Found here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/querying/complex-query-operators#groupby
So at least a simple "Count" should work as expected, and that is what I am using:
Hello Heiko,
We reviewed the described scenario, however the exception comes from the fact that the Entity Framework Core 3 library does not Support GroupBy. Note, that when adding an AggregateFunction a GroupBy query is created. With this in mind, you can follow the github issue in order to get notified for any developments. If the GroupBy translation is implemented in a future version of Entity Framework Core, you should not observe the mentioned exception.
For the time being, I can either suggest downgrading to an earlier version of Entity Framework Core, where the GroupBy query would be evaluated on the client or calling ToList when accessing the data.
Vladimir Stoyanov
Progress Telerik
See this forum thread where I explain the cause in detail: