Last Updated: 18 Oct 2018 15:25 by ADMIN
Created on: 11 Sep 2018 20:45
Category: RichTextBox
Type: Bug Report
RichTextBox: Table borders disappear when zooming out below 100
Steps to reproduce:
1. Insert a table into the document with borders enabled
2. Zoom out so the zoom level is below 100%
Expected behavior: The borders are always rendered at a minimum of 1px width, even if the calculated size is below 1 at the current zoom level (This is what Word does)
Actual behavior: Some of the borders do not render.
Attached Files:
1 comment
Posted on: 18 Oct 2018 15:25
Hi Rick,

Such a problem can occur when the border thickness is less than 1px. The reason is that WPF can turn On or Off a single pixel. And this functionality depends on different factors, like the DPI of the screen, where the border is rendered in the pixel boundaries of the screen, etc.

A possible workaround which you could use is to set the SnapsToDevicePixels to false - this will prevent the borders from disappearing but they could be blurry in particular scale levels.
