Add support for Paragraph and Page borders. Note: Typing "---" in MS Word and pressing Enter inserts bottom paragraph border with special size (sz="6" in the docx format). Workaround for inserting visually similar element: Add a horizontal line using a table with a single border. Here is some code demonstrating how to do this: ---------------------------------------------------------- var document = new RadDocument(); var editor = new RadDocumentEditor(document); Table table = new Table(); var topBorder = new Telerik.Windows.Documents.Model.Border(1, BorderStyle.Single, Colors.Red); var borders = new TableBorders(table.Borders.Left, topBorder, table.Borders.Right, table.Borders.Bottom); table.Borders = borders; var row = new TableRow(); var dummyCell = new TableCell(); var dummyParagraph = new Paragraph(); dummyParagraph.FontSize = 0; dummyParagraph.LineSpacing = 0; dummyParagraph.SpacingAfter = 0; dummyParagraph.SpacingBefore = 0; dummyCell.Blocks.Add(dummyParagraph); row.Cells.Add(dummyCell); table.Rows.Add(row); editor.InsertTable(table, shouldInsertParagraphBeforeTable: true); this.rtb.Document = document; ----------------------------------------------------