Last Updated: 23 May 2024 15:23 by ADMIN
Created on: 10 May 2024 11:47
Category: Filter
Type: Feature Request
Filter component should allow filtering on its field dropdown for large number of fields

The data tools kfilter component uses a DropDownList component to list the fields available for building a query. It looks like there is no way to apply the :filterable prop to the DropDownList that allows a user to type inside the list in order to filter down the list. This is especially useful if you have hundreds of fields in your dropdown. Instead a user must scroll through the entire list to find the field they are looking for.

We also use this component in our older web forms application and this functionality is available in the old component.  I would suggest allowing the :filterable prop to be applied to the kfilter component which would be passed down to the child DropDownList component.

Posted on: 23 May 2024 15:23


Thanks a lot for the clarification, Jamie and apologies for the misunderstanding in my initial reply.

I agree that the requested functionality is a valid feature request for Filter component, therefore I am opening the item again.

Kind regards,
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Posted on: 17 May 2024 08:50

Hi Vessy

I know that the dropdownlist has a filterable prop. But when you are using the filter component HERE, you can see it uses a child dropdownlist component to list the fields available to build your query. Applying the :filterable prop to the kfilter parent component does not pass the prop down to the child dropdownlist displaying the fields.

Posted on: 17 May 2024 08:42

Hi, Jamie,

The DropDownList supports filtering and defining its ":filterable" prop should allow you to filter the bound items successfully:

In case this approach does not work at your scenario, please, open a primary support ticket providing more details on the matter and we will be glad to assist you further on resolving it.

Progress Telerik

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