The change event of the DropDownList is emitted when navigating between DropDownList options using the keyboard.
The DropDownList should have a select event like it is in other Kendo UI suites and this select event should be emitted when using the keyboard with an expanded popup. Once a value is selected with, for example, click or 'Enter' press, then the change event should be triggered.
Describe the bug
When we have a Chart Tooltip in the Native Vue Chart and this Tooltip appears over the Chart itself, if we hover the Tooltip it starts to flicker.
To Reproduce
Expected behavior
The Tooltip of the Native Chart should not flicker when moving the mouse cursor over it.
.k-animation-container.k-chart-tooltip-wrapper {
pointer-events: none;
Describe the bug
If you try to group the data in a Grid by a column that has a value of "null", the browser hangs, and an error appears in the console.
To Reproduce
Expected behavior
The data should be grouped according to the values inside the UnitPrice column. A column with an empty header should appear for the group with a "null" value.
Convert the "null" values to empty string with a code like this:
this.products.forEach((o) => { o.UnitPrice = o.UnitPrice === null ? '' : o.UnitPrice; });
Here is a modified example in which the above code is added to the getData method.
The problem occurs only on a component DropdownTree in which the filtering fonctionality is enable.
I have this problem when testing on Chrome and Firefox.
Describe the bug
The selectionChange & headerselectionchange events of the Native Grid component are unexpectedly triggered when filtering data in the component.
The issue is not replicable on Chrome and Safari.
A possible workaround for the bug is demonstrated in this StackBlitz example
To Reproduce
Expected behavior
No JS errors should appear when filtering the Grid component, no matter the browser that is used.
Describe the bug
The MultiSelect component throws a console error when a text value is entered in its input and the component is used as a part of the Native Form.
The issue is replicable only when a text is entered in the component's input. Everything works as expected if a value is selected from the MultiSelect's popup list.
To Reproduce
Expected behavior
No errors should appear in the browser's console when using the MultiSelect component as a part of the Form component, no matter the specific configuration of the MultiSelect.
Describe the bug
The Tooltip is not correctly positioned in scenarios where a longer text needs to be displayed. This incorrect positioning leads to the inability to automatically close the Tooltip when the mouse is hovered out of the component.
To Reproduce
Expected behavior
The Tooltip should appear correctly positioned above the yellow point as it is in the scenario when you hover the left point in the above example
Describe the bug
The events displayed inside a Timeline view are not fully expanded to the time boundaries of the slots available in the view. Events that are 30 minutes long are displayed like something around 20 minutes in length.
To Reproduce
Expected behavior
The 'Website upload' event should be displayed inside two 15 minute slots
The data tools kfilter component uses a DropDownList component to list the fields available for building a query. It looks like there is no way to apply the :filterable prop to the DropDownList that allows a user to type inside the list in order to filter down the list. This is especially useful if you have hundreds of fields in your dropdown. Instead a user must scroll through the entire list to find the field they are looking for.
We also use this component in our older web forms application and this functionality is available in the old component. I would suggest allowing the :filterable prop to be applied to the kfilter component which would be passed down to the child DropDownList component.
Hi Team,
How to show loading spinner for Schedular control when we changing the views (from day view to week view).
I am not able to find any props like loader or no-data-template.
Please help me on this.
Describe the bug
The displaying of consecutive events in different timezones is inconsistent when we have a yearly recurrence.
To Reproduce
The above is not replicable if the following configuration is removed:
recurrenceRule: 'FREQ=YEARLY',
Expected behavior
The consecutive events in the Scheduler component should be displayed consecutively in all timezones and no matter the recurrence rule defined for each of the events.
It would be beneficial if the Kendo UI for Vue ColumnMenu had an option to display the visible columns as it is in Kendo UI for Jquery, instead of creating a custom columnMenu:
When working in Spanish or French, even if internationalization is properly configured, it is not possible to translate the items in the FormatBlock, so it is only possible to see them in English.
We tried to do it ourselves ( but we found some issues, so please, consider including these few items in the default translations.