Last Updated: 27 Nov 2024 16:54 by ADMIN
Created on: 22 Nov 2024 10:11
Category: Docking
Type: Bug Report
Unable to dock Floating ToolWindow

In a multi monitor scenario with different scalings and an application that is configured to run ‚per monitor dpi awareness‘ a floating toolwindow cannot be docked at all positions.


Monitor 1: 1920 x 1200 (100%), Monitor 2: 2048 x 2560 (150%)

Our WPF application has a main window, maximized on screen 1 and a child window maximized on screen 2.

In the app.manifest we use per monitor dpi awareness.

Both windows have a RadDocking instance with a docked RadPane. Start the application, undock a tool window and try to dock it at the right position on monitor 1.

è It is not possible since the compass is deactivated before the mouse cursor reaches the right monitor area.


1 comment
Posted on: 27 Nov 2024 16:54

Hello Frank,

The described scenario is the same as the one that you already reported in the following bug report from our feedback portal:

Docking: Compass activation reacts on wrong position when using dragdrop between two RadDocking instances in different windows in per monitor dpi awareness scenario

With this in mind, I am afraid that I cannot share a set timeframe, by which the reported behavior will be fixed. Additionally, when reviewing this scenario, there wasn't a property entry point for working this behavior around, so, what I can suggest would be to follow the bug report, in order to get notified via e-mail when its status gets changed.

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