We use a RadTreeView with many different item types that set a DefaultImageSrc based on a combination of item type and state
(from each item's view model).
For the currently selected TreeView item we would like to modify the item's image with a coloured border.
So it would be a very useful feature, if the TreeView item's SelectedImage could be derived from the DefaultImageSrc
via XAML Shapes (Rectangle, Line, etc.).
(Shapes can e.g. already be used to draw TreeView's Expander-Button for expanded/collapsed state, which is very useful).
Currently the only approach is to copy any item-type's image in the file system and modify it for selected state.
(Thus doubling the number of item image files.)
Given the number of images for different item types and states that we already have, this is not very practical.
Examples for DefaultImageSrc (left) and SelectedImageSrc (right):
Is it possible to extend RadTreeView, so that the SelectedImageSrc can be based on the given DefaultImageSrc, but with a modification provided via XAML?