A user reported a significant performance impact with the RichTextBox in our recent update. The UI hangs repeatedly while typing.
Profiling showed a lot of garbage collections, and profiling highlighted the the Telerik class Telerik.Windows.Controls.MarkupExtensions.DocumentsResourceProvider.
private static Style ThemeStyle
if (themeStyle == null)
themeStyle = GetStyleFromApplicationTheme();
return themeStyle;
private static Style GetStyleFromApplicationTheme()
if (StyleManager.IsEnabled && StyleManager.ApplicationTheme != null)
var themeName = StyleManager.ApplicationTheme.GetType().Name.Trim('_').ToLower();
themeName = themeName.Replace("theme", string.Empty);
var themesGeneric = Application.LoadComponent(new Uri("/Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBox;component/themes/generic.xaml", UriKind.Relative)) as ResourceDictionary;
if (themesGeneric != null)
var currentThemeDictionary = themesGeneric.MergedDictionaries.FirstOrDefault(rd => rd.Source != null && rd.Source.OriginalString.ToLower().Contains(themeName));
if (currentThemeDictionary != null)
return currentThemeDictionary[typeof(DocumentsResourceProvider)] as Style;
return null;
I copied this code into my project to debug it, and found:
As the method returns null, it means themeStyle is always null, and it will try again on the next caller. This code is called repeatedly while typing. Using my code (and reflection) to force this ThemeStyle to Fluent fixes the performance, though obviously is a huge workaround.