Last Updated: 28 May 2024 10:15 by ADMIN
Created on: 06 Aug 2021 12:29
Category: PivotGrid
Type: Bug Report
PivotGrid: Pivot grid never finishes loading
Bug can be observed using the Demo => PivotGrid => More OLAP Examples

Setup like so and hit refresh

A customer reported this issue. We could observe that the memory of the process was exploding, this doesnt happen in the demo for some reason.
Using the old RadarSoft  WinForms Pivot Control, the same view that our customer had issues with, is loading in a reasonable time.

Please also make sure that in future releases you add some cancel functionality so one doesn't have to restart the application....
Martin Ivanov
Posted on: 28 May 2024 10:15

Hello Christian,

I am sorry to hear that there are multiple unresolved bugs that are stopping your development process. Would it be possible to send over a list with the issues, so I can forward them to the people responsible for the planning?

About the issue at hand, I have forwarded this for review and marked it as recently reported. This will increase its priority, but I cannot give any specific promises on when it is going to be resolved. This is why I suggest you to keep following this feedback item in order to get notified when its status changes.

Martin Ivanov
Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 27 May 2024 13:53
Almost three years later.
This is becomming a show stopper for us.

Stressing this as there are multiple unresolved years old issues we reported. At some point we will have to look for different solutions.
Dilyan Traykov
Posted on: 04 Oct 2021 12:53


Thank you very much for the provided image and for taking the time to replicate the issue.

I can confirm that I was able to replicate the exception at my end and have updated our backlog item accordingly.

I'm afraid that I cannot suggest a suitable workaround for the time being so I can only advise you to follow this bug report to get notified about any changes in its status. I do apologize for any inconvenience caused by this.

Dilyan Traykov
Progress Telerik

Love the Telerik and Kendo UI products and believe more people should try them? Invite a fellow developer to become a Progress customer and each of you can get a $50 Amazon gift voucher.

Posted on: 29 Sep 2021 09:17

Hey Dilyan,

we managed to reproduce this issue with the provided connection like so:

Your control takes more than 3 minutes, our old winforms control about 10 seconds.


Dilyan Traykov
Posted on: 16 Sep 2021 10:37


It is not of importance what data is used as long as we manage to replicate the same exception which is causing the issue at your end. If you find it useful, you can use the data from the database used in our demo application. The connection string for it is the following:

           Cube="Adventure Works" 
                    Database="Adventure Works DW 2008R2" 
             ConnectionString = "Data Source=https://demos.telerik.com/olap/msmdpump.dll;Catalog=Adventure Works DW 2008R2">

Please let me know if you find this helpful.

Dilyan Traykov
Progress Telerik

Love the Telerik and Kendo UI products and believe more people should try them? Invite a fellow developer to become a Progress customer and each of you can get a $50 Amazon gift voucher.

Posted on: 15 Sep 2021 13:23

Hello Dilyan,


I do not believe it is possible to provide you the SSAS-Database of our customer.

Is there any other approach we can try to reproduce this issue?
Do you have any "Adomd-Testdata" that i could play arround with?
Or is it the configuration in SSAS that is of importance for you, not so much the data behind it?

Dilyan Traykov
Posted on: 09 Sep 2021 09:07


Indeed, if you're not using the XmlaDataProvider which is used in the demo application in which I tested this exception, it is possible that the cause of the exception is different.

With this said, we would need to be able to replicate this exception at our end to be able to investigate a possible solution for it. If you do not wish to share your project publicly, you can open a new support ticket and provide it there. Please let me know if you would find this possible.

Dilyan Traykov
Progress Telerik

Virtual Classroom, the free self-paced technical training that gets you up to speed with Telerik and Kendo UI products quickly just got a fresh new look + new and improved content including a brand new Blazor course! Check it out at https://learn.telerik.com/.

Posted on: 03 Sep 2021 07:02

Hello Dilyan,

unfortunately, we are allready using the Adomd one.
This might imply that the problem in the demo application is different to ours? 
I am not sure I can provide a working example then.

Dilyan Traykov
Posted on: 19 Aug 2021 15:23


For the time being, you can try to use the AdomdDataProvider instead. I tested it in our demos application with the setup from the image you provided and received a response rather quicker than the XmlaDataProvider (which is used by default) without any exceptions.

Please let me know whether the AdomdDataProvider resolves the exception in your original application as well.

Dilyan Traykov
Progress Telerik

Love the Telerik and Kendo UI products and believe more people should try them? Invite a fellow developer to become a Progress customer and each of you can get a $50 Amazon gift voucher.

Dilyan Traykov
Posted on: 13 Aug 2021 08:51


Thank you for the provided image and feedback.

I can confirm that I was able to replicate the issue in the demo and have thus logged it in our internal backlog. We will also consider implementing the cancel functionality.

Dilyan Traykov
Progress Telerik

Virtual Classroom, the free self-paced technical training that gets you up to speed with Telerik and Kendo UI products quickly just got a fresh new look + new and improved content including a brand new Blazor course! Check it out at https://learn.telerik.com/.

Posted on: 06 Aug 2021 12:30
Sorry I meant "More PivotGrid Exaples" => "Olap Support"