Last Updated: 31 Jul 2017 09:53 by ADMIN
Created on: 27 Apr 2017 08:46
Category: RichTextBox
Type: Bug Report
RichTextBox: Pressing enter doesn't split the paragraph with the current editing style
When an enter is pressed the paragraph is split into two parts and does not apply the current editing style to the formatting symbol of the first part.

Steps to reproduce:
Add text to an empty paragraph.
Increase the font-size.
Press enter.

Expected result: If the user starts to write the text should have its font properties from the current editing style. 

Expected result 2: If the client moves the caret around and then return to the beginning of the second paragraph it and start writing, the text should have its font properties from the formatting symbol(which are applied from current editing style when the paragraph has been split). 
Posted on: 31 Jul 2017 09:53
Hello Muhammad Aziz,

The issue is currently not scheduled for fixing. Once the team starts working on it, the status of this item will be changed to 'In Development' and, since you are subscribed, you will receive a notification about this change.

Posted on: 03 Jul 2017 13:41
Hi, I have tested this on your latest release (2017.2.614) and the bug still exists. Is there any timeline regarding when this bug will be addressed? 

We cant upgrade to latest version as long as this issue exists.

Posted on: 28 Apr 2017 09:53
Steps to reproduce:

1. On an empty file, add a word on any style. Without moving the carat anymore, change the font size only.

2. Type some more. Press enter. Looks like the font size is carried to the next paragraph.

3. Without typing anything else, use back arrow key to move the caret back and then forth arrow key to move the caret back to the old position.

4. Type and see the font is reverted back to the style font size.

5. If you don't do step 3 and start typing, the font size form previous paragraph is retained.

Steps to reproduce the inconsistent behaviour:

1. On an empty file, add a word on any style. Without moving the carat anymore, change the font size only. (We will call it line 1)

2. Type some more. Press enter. Looks like the font size is carried to the next paragraph.

3. Type something (we will call this line 2)

4. Go back to line one. Press enter. Without typing anything else, use back arrow key to move the caret back and then forth arrow key to move the caret back to the old position.

5. Type and this time you will see that the previous paragraph font is retained.

So looks like, if you have another paragraph after, then font size is carried from one paragraph to the next properly. But if there is no paragraph after, it is not.