Last Updated: 12 May 2017 08:14 by ADMIN
Petar Mladenov
Created on: 20 Jan 2017 12:16
Category: Diagram
Type: Bug Report
Diagram: StackOverflowException when using gliding connectors and custom Router.
Using a custom router and gliding connectors may lead to a StackOverflow Exception.

The exception is due to an endless update of the connection Start/End points and the ConnectionPoints.

Resolution: The fix will be included in R2 2017 SP in June 2017.

Generally, avoid using GlidingConnectors and custom Router which calculates intermediate points based on connections' StartPoint/EndPoint. This is а prerequisite of circular dependency between Start/EndPoint and ConnectionPoints. Gliding Connectors essence is to set StartEndPoints and sometimes they are based on the connection points' first and last point.

On the other hand, custom router based on Start/EndPoint makes the opposite- connection points depend on start/end. 

Instead, the client can use the connection.Source.Bounds.Center (Top, Bottom, Left, Right etc) and connection.Target.Bounds.Center(Top, Bottom, Left, Right etc) in a custom router.

Available in LIB version: 2017.2.515