Got this weird behavior with RadDocking with multiple monitors. As you could see the pane is being opened on the wrong side. This happens only when the application is fully maximized, if its resized then this problem does not occur. I am not able to reproduce this with a simple example. But you could contact me I can help in investigation.
Hi Sherry, The described behavior could easily be observed by any RadDocking. As the observed behavior is related to the native WPF Popup as explained in my previous response I will delete the item. If you are able to reproduce it only in your sample project than it seems to be related with some logic implemented in it and we could not tell for sure what might be causing it for your specific scenario. Hope the information will be helpful for you.
Hello Atanas Popatanasov, But I have an example project doing the same thing, but there it works correctly but it fails in our Application. So is it still about that you mentioned? Sherry
Hi Sherry, The observed by you behavior is an expected one and it is caused by the native WPF Popup and is not related to RadPane - the autohide of RadDocking is actually a Popup and the Pane is visualized in it when it is unpinned. Such behaviors of the Popup could be observed if you place it between two monitors. If there is not enough space in the first monitor for the Popup in which the Unpinned Pane is placed to be visualized the Popup gets re-positioned - such behavior could easily be observer with other controls visualized inside Popup (the native WPF ContextMenu for example) as well. Unexpected behavior from the Popup could be caused also by the TabletPC setting of your OS - if you are using them. More detailed information about that issue you could find on the following link: As this is a behavior caused by the framework currently we could not suggest you any approach that you could use in order to override or change it. We hope the provided information will be helpful for you. Regards, Nasko
My code is like this <Grid Name="MainGrid"> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="*" /> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <telerik:RadDocking x:Name="Docking" Grid.Row="0" HasDocumentHost="False"> <telerik:RadSplitContainer> <telerik:RadPaneGroup> <telerik:RadPane Header="Tasks" x:Name="LauncherPane" IsPinned="False" CanFloat="False" CanUserPin="True" CanUserClose="False" Visibility="Collapsed" ContextMenuTemplate="{x:Null}"> <StackPanel Name="ToolPanel" Orientation="Vertical"></StackPanel> </telerik:RadPane> </telerik:RadPaneGroup> </telerik:RadSplitContainer> <telerik:RadSplitContainer> <telerik:RadPaneGroup> <telerik:RadPane IsDockable="False" CanFloat="False" CanUserClose="False" ContextMenuTemplate="{x:Null}" CanUserPin="False" PaneHeaderVisibility="Collapsed"> <telerik:RadTabControl Name="ToolTabControl"> <telerik:RadTabItem Name="DesignerTab" Header="Designer" Selector.Selected="DesignerTab_Selected"> <!-- Loaded="Designer_Loaded" --> <controls:DesignerControl x:Name="Designer" x:FieldModifier="public" /> </telerik:RadTabItem> </telerik:RadTabControl> </telerik:RadPane> </telerik:RadPaneGroup> </telerik:RadSplitContainer> </telerik:RadDocking> </Grid> Notice for launcherPane I am using Visibility to be collapsed, because I want the autohide area to be hidden. This causes this behavior if I do not set the visibility then it works fine but I want to have it hidden. So please help on this one.