Last Updated: 10 Mar 2016 08:12 by Christina
Created on: 13 Oct 2015 22:39
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request
Differences between versions
Is there any way to easily see the comprehensive differences between two versions? We have an application that is still on version 2012.1.326 that we are intending to upgrade to the latest, but there is no simple way to tell what breaking changes might have been made. Our customer is asking us what features may no longer work as expected, but it would be practically impossible to go through every single set of release notes because there are so many between now and then. A simple replacement to "see what happens" isn't really feasible either because the application is so large and some of it was written by a third party.
We’ve introduced the Telerik API Analyzer tool that helps determine the problematic areas when upgrading a WPF, WinForms or ASP.NET Web-Forms application to a newer version of our controls. You can read more about the tool in this blog post:
Posted on: 20 Oct 2015 17:09
Thank you, Petya. I would like to be a beta tester when that tool is available.
Posted on: 20 Oct 2015 15:15
Hello Christina,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

We've received similar feedback in the past which is why we're in the process of developing a tool that will outline the differences between two versions in the used in an application API. We're a long way from making this official, but if you're interested in becoming a beta tester, let me know and I'll make sure the team contacts us.