You example of the mask token are as follow XAML <StackPanel HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"> <TextBlock Text="Mask: A" /> <telerik:RadMaskedTextInput Margin="0,5,0,10" Mask="AAAAAA" /> <TextBlock Text="Mask: a" /> <telerik:RadMaskedTextInput Margin="0,5,0,10" Mask="aaaaaa" /> <TextBlock Text="Mask: L" /> <telerik:RadMaskedTextInput Margin="0,5,0,10" Mask="LLLL" /> <TextBlock Text="Mask: l" /> <telerik:RadMaskedTextInput Margin="0,5,0,10" Mask="llll" /> <TextBlock Text="Mask: \" /> <telerik:RadMaskedTextInput Mask="\#\\###" /> <TextBlock Text="Mask: Any other characters" /> <telerik:RadMaskedTextInput Mask="N\ame: llll" /> </StackPanel> and the result should be as follow Mask A = Aa1 +; Mask a = Ab-," which is fine. But if I use any of the capital A or L, in the MVVM, the binding is not working anymore. I have attached a file. Run the program and press add button Enter info in First Name, then enter info in Last Name. Put a break point in the file RecipientData.cs at the properties FirstName on get and set, and do the same for LastName properties. In the xaml, the only difference between those 2 controls one the Mask=">L1A29" for the first name and Mask=">l1a29" for the last name. I do not know what is going on behind the scene of this control, but I know there are some issues. REASON FOR DECLINATION This is expected behavior in the MaskedInputControls. Please read more in the comments.