When there is defined a ChartPanAndZoomBehavior and the axes of the chart are switched at run-time, the orientation of the PanZoomBar elements it is not changed. Workaround: Get the PanZoomBar element and set its Orientation property. private void TrySetOrientation(CartesianAxis axis, Orientation orientation) { var panZoomBar = Telerik.Windows.Controls.ChildrenOfTypeExtensions.FindChildByType<PanZoomBar>(axis); if (panZoomBar != null) { panZoomBar.Orientation = orientation; } } private void SwapAxes() { // Swapping code here this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => { this.TrySetOrientation(this.chart.HorizontalAxis, Orientation.Horizontal); this.TrySetOrientation(this.chart.VerticalAxis, Orientation.Vertical); })); }