Last Updated: 30 Jan 2015 16:06 by ADMIN
Created on: 29 Jan 2015 17:19
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Feature Request
upgrade Telerik product
Hi, I just updated all the UI telerik controls for wpf, and now none of my control in the code are working anymore.  It is from the version 2012.3.1017.40 to version 2014.3.1202.20.
Can anyone help me.
1 comment
Posted on: 30 Jan 2015 15:45
Hi Jean-Marc,

The public Feedback & Ideas portal is intended to gather feedback from our clients and give the ability to track the status of pending features or issues. If you are having technical troubles with the controls from the suite please submit a new support ticket through the online ticketing system ( and share as much information on the issue as possible.