Last Updated: 20 Nov 2014 11:01 by ADMIN
Created on: 19 Nov 2014 13:29
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Bug Report
Telerik.Windows.Documents: exception type: [system.invalidoperationexception], message: [inline does not belong to this document.]
Steps to reproduce:

1. Set focus to the Body Text Area and insert some text (using typing or copy/paste).
2. Try to select a part of text for editing/removing:
---> [BUG]: The system shows error message and after that is frozen.
And for further work it's necessary to restart the system.
Please look at attached files.
Posted on: 20 Nov 2014 11:01
Hello Maxim,

The Ideas and Feedback portal is used for feature requests and new ideas, as well as for tracking pending issues. Could you please submit your question through our support ticketing system at I'm having a hard time understanding the issue that you are encountering and replicating it on our end, so some additional details on your setup would be appreciated.

Thank you for the understanding.
Posted on: 19 Nov 2014 13:31
Sorry, Trace_2 seems to be corrupted. I attached new one
Attached Files: