Last Updated: 18 Nov 2014 15:56 by ADMIN
Created on: 12 Nov 2014 23:23
Category: UI for WPF
Type: Bug Report
Custom button inside a tile of RadTileList don't react on touch properly
We use successor of System.Windows.Controls.Button in the tile. 
The button's Command property is bound with ICommand implementation instance. It works ok on mouse click but doesn't work on touch. On touch it only gets focus but command doesn't executed.

We have not tried with onClick handler because we use MVVM.

Sample project to reproduce the problem is attached.
Attached Files:
1 comment
Posted on: 18 Nov 2014 13:25
Hi Thomas,

Actually, this is a kind of an expected behavior since RadTileList handles the touch events. If you want the touch manager to be aware of the existence of the buttons, you can set IsTouchHitTestVisible:

<Button telerik:TouchManager.IsTouchHitTestVisible ="False"
							Command="{Binding TestCommand, Mode=OneTime}"

Best regards, 
Maya, @Telerik.