Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 07:53 by David
Created on: 26 Aug 2014 15:28
Category: RichTextBox
Type: Feature Request
RichTextBox: Section 508 compliance and screen readers support
We noticed that the RadRichTextBox for WPF is not working correctly Windows Narrator or JAWS screen readers.  As a result, due to Section 508 compliance, this prevents government clients from using our software.

We have tried three different computers with Windows 7 with Windows Narrator and JAWS 15.0.10026.  Both Windows Narrator and JAWS speak all the controls in our application except for the RadRichTextBox.

Type a few lines in the editor then up, down, left, and right arrow through the text.

We do not hear the character echo when performing left and right arrow.

We do not hear the entire line of text spoken when performing up and down arrow.

When I try this in the RadRichTextBox control, using our test application, using JAWS, I hear the window title "Telerik Test App" when I peform an up and down arrow.

Also, when I perform left and right error I hear the letter "T" which I believe is the first letter in the window title.

When I try this in the RadRichTextBox control, using our text application, using Windows Narrator, I hear "up arrow" and "down arrow" when I peform an up and down arrow.

Also, when I perform left and right error I hear "left arrow" and "right arrow."
1 comment
Posted on: 18 Feb 2015 15:37
I had a similar experience using SDK implementations of Plain Text Editor, and Telrik Editor.  The window header, and menus generally seemed to read. But inside the document area, at best the current keypress was repeated.  This was with Window Eyes, JAWS, and NVDA.