Ability to export a diagram to PDF.
Hello, With our 2014 Q3 release we created a demo project achieving this feature. It demonstrates how you can use our PDFProcessing to extract the RadDiagram in a PDF file. You can find this ready to run demo in our XAML SDK repository: https://github.com/telerik/xaml-sdk/tree/master/Diagram/ExportToPDF Please give it a try and let us know what you think about it.
Great timing with Q3, will there be a SP for Q3 to get the feature? Or is it available with the latest internal builds?
Forgot to mention, this should be available for WPF and Silverlight.
This would be a great feature for our software since the output we created needs to be potentially edited by publishers of the information.
Please do not just build a hack using raster images in the PDF file, we need a vector drawing that can be plotted.