Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 07:54 by ADMIN
Created on: 31 Jan 2014 00:37
Category: PDFViewer
Type: Feature Request
PdfViewer: Extend CreateThumbnail

Please extend CreateThumbnail. It is currently defined as:

 public ImageSource CreateThumbnail(RadFixedPage page, Size thumbnailSize)

Well, it works great for thumbnails and display on screen, but for saving bitmaps it is not perfect. 

If I want to change the DPI settings when saving the bitmap it is not possible, also the Pixelformat is not settable because they are hardcoded in CreateThumbnail.

Please extend CreateThumbnail like this:

 public ImageSource CreateThumbnail(RadFixedPage page, Size thumbnailSize, PixcelFormat pixelformat, int DPIX, int DPIY)

By the way, opening up the API behind radFixedPage.LoadContent and the hole drawing/rendering complex would be even better :-)

I'm dreaming of, to be able, only drawing certain layers. Sometimes it helps to see the hole object tree of a page to understand what gets painted over one another.

Posted on: 15 Apr 2014 08:24

Actually, PDF documents do not have layers. The API you are referring to was put in place to allow customization in RadPdfViewer and drawing of additional elements over/under the contents of the PDF, so opening it would not allow you to skip parts of the document. I’m afraid that exposing such functionality is not possible and we have no such plans.
Posted on: 03 Apr 2014 18:38
Petya, thanks for your comment.

For the second part of my request with the LoadContent: I was studying the source of PDFViewer and looked how the internals work. If I understood it correct, there is an internal feature, which handles different layers. 

For example a text in front of a bitmap or a rotated watermark in the background. All of this is there for your internal use. I would be glad, if you could implement this feature as a public api. I could use this, to only show watermarks of a PDF file or any other specific layer. This really helps if you get sometimes PDF files which are not rendered correctly.
Posted on: 04 Feb 2014 16:43

Thank you for the suggestion! The first part related to the CreateThumbnail functionality sounds perfectly reasonable and we will add this to our product backlog for future implementation.

However, the second part related to the API behind LoadContent is a bit unclear to us. Could you please provide more details on what you mean exactly and we will further consider introducing such functionality.

Thanks in advance!

Kind regard, 