Last Updated: 15 Jul 2022 12:13 by ADMIN
Created on: 13 Jul 2022 23:06
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
Update Kendo UI Spreadsheet and ExcelExport to support the latest features within Excel

Hi there,

I am attempting to utilise the Kendo React ExcelExport component (and in conjunction Kendo UI Spreadsheet component) to be able to export dynamically generated spreadsheets which can do multi-level nested dropdowns on cells, so that our customers who get our spreadsheets can fill in the cells accurately at the point of entry.

Unfortunately the version of the Excel used for these components doesn't support recent formulas, such as SORT, UNIQUE and FILTER which were ok for our Proof of Concept in Excel (Office365 version) but did not work inside the Kendo components listed above.

Could the Kendo components be upgraded to support the latest features of Excel (at least as far as formulas go), this lack of support is impacting our ability to help our customers do remote data entry without additional overhead.

Another example of  the above (which needed additional debug work) was CONCAT vs CONCATENATE, that caught us out for a bit trying to figure out what it was!

Finally, can we make it so exported spreadsheet "sheets" can be hidden as we need a few "preparation" sheets for our data and would be less confusion if it was not visible to the end users.

Thanks for your support on this matter,


1 comment
Posted on: 15 Jul 2022 12:13

Hello, Daniel,

Thank you for the submitted feature request. We will be monitoring it closely.

Regards, FilipProgress Telerik

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