As per the subject. This can be observed in the following StackBlitz which is forked from the Telerik documentation on resizing with three small changes:,index.html
Logged as a bug because there is nothing in the documentation stating that a height for the Grid or Grid container must be set in order for this to work. If this is a documentation issue rather than a code issue, please advise the recommended approach for using the Grid resizable property.
I have run into an issue when trying to input a date value where its parts contain a leading 0. The autoCorrectPaths option is set to false and I have specified a date format in my datePicker component.
1. open
2. try to input a date by typing 09, then 03, then 2025
Expected behaviour:
The date in the input field should be "09.03.2025"
Actual behaviour:
The date in the input field is "day.09.2000"
As stated in the subject, the GridNoRecords component has an undocumented maximum width of 20em after which the GridNoRecords message is cut off. Please see the following StackBlitz for an example:
Kind regards,
The new Built-in State Management does not work with remote data.
For example:
PageSize = 40.
Remotely fetch 40 items.
Click on page 2.
Remotely fetch 40 items.
The grid shows no items, since items 41-80 does not exist in the data provided.
Verified with support who suggested adding a feature request.
Problem: DataResult isn’t supported
Why do we complain about this:
We want to use virtual scroll functional, but without DataResult support we have to load all items at once (data is pretty massive), which produce unnecessary overload of network.
Does it supported by other components or implementations: Angular TreeList, React Grid
We are currently developing an application based on Kendo React components.
We are wondering if the React-Gantt chart has the functionality to edit the data by drag-n-drop the same way it possible with JQuery-Gantt (see attachment).
Thanks in advance for your help.
Kind regards,
Hi Team,
We are using data-grid along with excel export for showing lakhs of data (sometimes over 20 lakhs) in our app and over 80 columns. We found a the TIME TAKEN is over 2.5 mins for over 10 lakhs (rows*cols) data. We have tried the KendoOmxml with kendo saveAs function from file-saver as well.
I have tried with server-side export instead of client-side aslo and still it's the same behavior. In my observation I am suspecting the below line.
component.toDataUrl().then((dataURL) => {
Here component is the reference of ExportExcel component. After getting dataURL I am calling save api to download the file. But toDataUrl() function is taking the whole time. Is there any way we can get this base64 dataURL faster?
You can refer to the codeSandbox Link. We have 80 columns(including duplicates), while importing productsSmall.json file which contains 77 rows, export excel is working well and good. But when you change the import to productsLarge.json file which contains 10,000 rows (if cannot be seen, please copy paste the dummy data from attached file with even more usual amount of data we use in our app), the screen is stuck or takes too much time to get process complete and sometimes it throws error(maybe because of codesandbox incapability).
Stackblitz link (if codesandbox hangs more)
We have a large number of customers requesting this feature to be fast. Please let us know with an optimized solution.
The DatePicker and DateInput React components miss the customizable button to clear the date value.
Would be nice to have ability to customize the icon, size, margins and a selectable option to clear the date value to null or a default value (as set to the component) or bind a custom event handler.
Hi Team,
I am writing to inquire about modifying the default behaviour of the Kendo UI Menu component. The sub-menu items are displayed when hovering over the parent menu item. However, I require the sub-menu items to be visible only when the parent menu item is clicked.
Desired Behavior:
Sub-menu items should remain hidden by default.
Clicking on the parent menu item should expand the sub-menu and display the child items.
Clicking on another parent menu item should collapse the previously expanded sub-menu and expand the new one.
Implementation Challenges:
I have explored the Kendo UI documentation and API, but I am unable to find a direct configuration option to achieve this desired behaviour.
Could you please provide guidance on how to modify the Kendo UI Menu component to display sub-menu items only on click of the parent menu item?
Please let me know if you require any further information or if there are any examples available that demonstrate this functionality.
Reference URL -,app%2Fapp.css
Reference Ticket -
Thank you for your time and assistance.
in latest v9.3.1 it appears GridFilterCell isn't passing properties shaped as 'isRequired' on DatePicker popupSettings
this does seem to be a regression because i just recently noticed it in latest upgrade which we need for other bug fixes.
i pursued patching myself by populating animate in GridFilterCell.mjs which seemed to work but then i got warning for the next required property "appendTo". however, populating appendTo yields warning "Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `appendTo` supplied to `Kendo React Popup`. Validation failed." so it's not easily reconcilable that way... therefore i tried removing isRequired on all 3 DatePicker popupSettings properties which of course avoided warnings and i didn't see any negative side effects.
here is a codesandbox repro minimally tweaked to include a date field from kendo grid's "getting started" demo:
admittedly this is just a warning but it does create unnecessary noise in browser debug which detracts from issues truly requiring attention during development.
screenshot with the warning from that demo repro:
We are using a customized ChartToolTip with button in our bar chart. However the tab order is not correct for multiple charts. The expect behavior we were told by our accessibility testing team is first chart -> button on tooltip -> second chart -> button on tooltip and so on. The actual behavior is tab shortcut will switch between charts then back to the first chart tooltip element.
Currently there are only four filter options coming built-in from the Data-Tools library:
- TextFilter - the KendoReact Input component
- NumericFilter - the KendoReact NumericTextBox component
- BooleanFilter - the KendoReact DropDownList component
- DateFilter - the KendoReact DatePicker component
Provide a way to introduce custom filter components
When there are many items in the menu, the height should not exceed the page size. Now the scroll is not displayed.
It refers to version 9.1.0, version 8.5.5 works fine
Thank you