If the zoom property is set on the body element for a preset zoom your window control does not seem to correctly take this zoom into account for the position and width/height of the window. You can easily recreate this in the following example application: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-qmwfbf-fzmj98?file=app%2Fapp.tsx,index.html
Simply open the window using the button and then maximize the window in the title bar at the top. You can see that the width/height calculation is much too large and is not correctly maximized to the available space. You can also see this in the attached video.
A similar problem has already been reported here for popups https://github.com/telerik/kendo-react/issues/2320 and there is also a solution for this using the scale property in the PopupProps here:
value={(props) => ({
scale: 1.25,
Please add exactly the same scale property for the WindowProps.
In the jQuery version of the scheduler, there is an option to disable snapping and to allow free move of the events.
How to achieve this behaviour in the React version?
Our client requirement is they need to modify any dates using datepicker.
For example
if 11/11/2024 need to change 11/12/2024
just a single one digit change is not permitted we need to type 12 which is 2 digit change that means complete day
same happens for month and year as well
We found Carbon-date-picker provides similar functionality which solves our requirement where we can modify each and every digit of datepicker element
I'm in need of the format Year/WeekOfTheYear/DayOfTheWeek for the date range picker. Ex. 2024/44/3, meaning the year 2024 week 44 day Wednesday.
This is not supported currently, please vote for it's implementation if format support has been an issue for you too.
To demonstrate:
1. Open your simplest interactivity/selection demo, which is not grouped, in StackBlitz. See: https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/grid/interactivity/selection/
2. Add the Grid's group prop. To demonstrate the bug nothing else needs changed
<Grid group={[]} ...
3. Run demo, scroll down and pick a row.
4. Observe the grid scrolls to the top and you cannot see your selected row unless you scroll back.
Setting the stage prop to "DEFAULT" does not update the Window component as expected:
const [stage, setStage] = React.useState<string>('DEFAULT');
const handleStageChange = (e: WindowActionsEvent) => {
Setting the window position is not permanent.
How to reproduce:
Chaging window stage also reverts previous position