I created a solution using KendoReact Editor.
The editor is set to enable the creation of tables (EditorTools.InsertTable).
When the property 'defaultEditMode' is set to 'iframe', the editor inserts a correct table with a width of 100% and visible cell borders.
If I set the 'defaultEditMode' to 'div' and insert a table the table has a width of some pixels and no borders are shown. In other words, the inserted table is not usable.
I need to set the editMode to 'div' because otherwise the editor doesn't adjust its look to the other parts of the page. The font is wrong etc.
How can I get the tables to work in 'div' mode?
Kind regards
Thanks Stefan,
I don't mind if you put the ticket on the feedback list. Although I think the voting system is meant for requests of additional features. Bugs should get fixed anyway...
Hello, Christian,
Thank you for reporting this.
I tested it and indeed the table is not inserted as expected with the defaultEditMode prop set to div.
I have logged this in our repository for fixing:
Additionally, I have added some Telerik points to your account for bringing this to our attention.
Also, if you like I can make this ticket public as well, and the community can vote for it here:
Progress Telerik