i am using KendoReact Drawdom version 1.5.12
I have some input elements for uploading images, and showing the a preview of uploaded image.
I want to export a PDF version of the form, but drawDom.cloneNodes() throws an exception when handling input elements of type file. that is because these type of input elements can not have value attribute.
Hello, Ali,
I have tested this and found the following error:
'Uncaught DOMException: Failed to set the 'value' property on 'HTMLInputElement': This input element accepts a filename, which may only be programmatically set to the empty string.'
If this is the same error, please have in mind that we have logged in, as it occurs because the export is cloning the elements and setting then values. Still, setting the value programmatically to an input type file is not allowed due to security reasons.
We can suggest removing the input element before the export from the page to workaround this issue.
If the issue that you have encountered is different, please share an example and I will be happy to assist further.
Progress Telerik