I have run into an issue when trying to input a date value where its parts contain a leading 0. The autoCorrectPaths option is set to false and I have specified a date format in my datePicker component.
1. open https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-wz6zocpe?file=app%2Fapp.jsx
2. try to input a date by typing 09, then 03, then 2025
Expected behaviour:
The date in the input field should be "09.03.2025"
Actual behaviour:
The date in the input field is "day.09.2000"
Hi, Maria,
Thank you for the example provided.
This behaviour is caused by a known issue in the internal `kendo-dateinputs-common` package used for multiple Kendo products. I opened a public issue in our public GitHub repo where you can subscribe to receive notifications for status updates:
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