Last Updated: 27 Feb 2025 11:38 by ADMIN
Created on: 21 Feb 2025 09:24
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
Improve Data-grid Export Excel toDataUrl() func

Hi Team,

We are using data-grid along with excel export for showing lakhs of data (sometimes over 20 lakhs) in our app and over 80 columns.  We found a the TIME TAKEN is over 2.5 mins for over 10 lakhs (rows*cols) data. We have tried the KendoOmxml with kendo saveAs function from file-saver as well.

I have tried with server-side export instead of client-side aslo and still it's the same behavior. In my observation I am suspecting the below line. 

 component.toDataUrl().then((dataURL) => {

Here component is the reference of ExportExcel component. After getting dataURL I am calling save api to download the file. But toDataUrl() function is taking the whole time. Is there any way we can get this base64 dataURL faster?


You can refer to the codeSandbox Link. We have 80 columns(including duplicates), while importing productsSmall.json file which contains 77 rows, export excel is working well and good. But when you change the import to productsLarge.json file which contains 10,000 rows (if cannot be seen, please copy paste the dummy data from attached file with even more usual amount of data we use in our app), the screen is stuck or takes too much time to get process complete and sometimes it throws error(maybe because of codesandbox incapability).

Stackblitz link (if codesandbox hangs more) https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-q5wlpg-4bs2zc?file=app%2Fmain.tsx

We have a large number of customers requesting this feature to be fast. Please let us know with an optimized solution. 



Attached Files:
1 comment
Posted on: 27 Feb 2025 11:38

Hi, Manjula,

Thank you for the provided feature request. I agree that the export is slower compared to the other suites such as Angular and it should be optimized. We will monitor this request properly.

Progress Telerik

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