Please see the following example of the Upload component being used to transfer a single file to a byte array:
Notice that all packages are latest including react 18 but I have not switched to the new createRoot API, and as per react documentation "Until you switch to the new API, your app will behave as if it’s running React 17" - this warning can be seen in the console window. When you upload a file, the FileReader onprogress and onload events result in the file being successfully uploaded with 100% progress. You can see current state and new state of all events in the console window.
Now please see the exact same example but switched to the new createRoot API:
Notice that the warning is no longer visible in the console window. When you upload a file, the FileReader onprogress and onload events result in the file being successfully uploaded but the file progress is overwritten. You can see current state and new state of all events in the console window - the new state from the onProgress event is lost, and the new state in the onStatusChange event reports zero progress.
I believe this is because of automatic batching in React 18.
Kind regards,