Hi Team,
I'm facing below issue when manually enter the value in the datepicker.
Control : DatePicker
<DatePicker defaultValue={value} format="dd/MM/yyyy" />
Step 1: Manually I'm trying to enter the data as 01/01/2021 and clicked outside the datepicker control ( now the focus is out of the datepicker ).
Step 2: Now try to change the date (day) by entering "2". (Our Expectation is system should display the date as 02/01/2021 instead it is appending the date and displaying as 12/01/2021)
Every time system is expecting the user to clear the existing value and then enter the new value.
Can you take this as feature request. Value should not get append to existing value. It should overwrite.
Reference Ticket URL : https://www.telerik.com/forums/datepicker-when-user-enter-the-date-manually-the-value-getting-appended-with-the-previous-value
If this is taken as feature request when will it get delivered.