I've got a large form I'm making. When the page the form is on first renders, I maker a server call and get back a large javascript object:
serverData = {id: "1", ClientID: "1423", EstSentDate: "2021-07-08", .... }. The date strings are ODCB standards for date strings.
The form displays the current values of all these fields. For all the other field types, I give the form the prop initialValues={serverData}, and if the field names match the object keys, it populates the field with the data nicely.
The datePicker is encountering an error though. It looks like it expects a Date object and not just a string. Is there something I can do within the DatePicker component, or the field containing it, to resolve this, without having to parse the entire data set I receive for all dates and convert them to Date objects, and feed that into a new object to pass to the form?
Being able to populate the entire form with the simple line initialValues={serverData} would be the best outcome for us.