Currently the GridFilterCell OnChange returns a subset of a FilterDescriptor (A value an an Operator to run on the value), which allows a custom filter cell to create one filter rule (FilterDescriptor). However, the CompositeFilterDescriptor structure allows a lot more flexibility. `month == 'January' OR 'March' OR 'May'`. If the GridFilterCell could be passed a CompositeFilterDescriptor instead of the current subset, then a custom filter cell could be much more powerful.
In an orders grid for instance, with a status of Pending, Paid, Shipped, and Delivered a "Show/Hide Shipped" button would exclude or include the Shipped and Delivered orders when clicked. Or a list of checkboxes to choose the statuses you want to see (like the JQuery Grids support).
TL;DR: There is currently no way to re-implement multi-checkboxes or other complex filtering interfaces with the Kendo React Grid without re-implementing all of the filtering logic manually from scratch, as the Existing filter cells don't support this and a custom GridFilterCell can't be configured to return that logic in a single FilterDescriptor.