Last Updated: 16 Aug 2023 08:00 by ADMIN
Created on: 10 Aug 2023 13:28
Category: TreeList
Type: Feature Request
Reorder rows in TreeList: Additional events

Currently, the TreeList allows users to move rows using drag and drop. However, the available programmatic intervention options are quite limited. There is only one event triggered after a row is dropped, which restricts our ability to perform specific actions at different stages of the drag and drop process. For example, we are unable to prohibit certain rows from being dropped. We have certain business rules on what items are allowed on which level. So, we need to check these rules before the drop occurs.

In contrast, the TreeView component provides greater control and flexibility in this regard, offering additional intervention points and events.

Could these additional events be added to TreeList in the same way as for TreeView? We would greatly benefit from this feature.

1 comment
Martin Bechev
Posted on: 16 Aug 2023 08:00

Hi Christoph,

Thank you for the provided feedback.

We will track the customer demand for this feature request and consider exposing more events while drag and drop rows in TreeLitst based on the interest.

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