It will be a nice feature to have the ability to customize the drag hint of the built-in row reordering similar to the hintTemplate.
It would be nice to have a feature to remove some operator from the grid filter built-in functionality as a global setting so that they apply across all grid columns without needing to repeat this customization for each column.
I understand that Kendo supports this functionality as described, but my expectation is to configure it as a global setting rather than on an individual basis. This would significantly simplify configuration in cases where multiple grids or columns are involved.
Add a locale formatting option to the Grid pager elements, similar to the functionality available in the DropDownList within the Grid pager.
Workaround using the pager template - https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-rvvry94x-8jfbjfbp
Hi, Team!
I would like to request the introduction of the Ctrl + A keyboard shortcut as an approach for selecting all rows inside the Grid component.
Hi Team,
Requesting a feature to grid rows merge like the below example,
Col1 | Col2 | Col3 | Col4 | Col5 | Col6 |
Row1 | Row1 | Row1 | Row1 | Row1 | Merge1 |
Row2 | Row2 | Row2 | Row2 | Row2 | |
Row3 | Row3 | Row3 | Row3 | Row3 | Merge2 |
Row4 | Row4 | Row4 | Row4 | Row4 | |
Row5 | Row5 | Row5 | Row5 | Row5 | |
Row6 | Row6 | Row6 | Row6 | Row6 | Merge3 |
Row7 | Row7 | Row7 | Row7 | Row7 | |
Row8 | Row8 | Row8 | Row8 | Row8 | Merge4 |
Row9 | Row9 | Row9 | Row9 | Row9 |
Could we have a turnkey solution which allows to disable a row selection which takes care of disabling only the relevant selection checkboxes and handle properly the "Select all" checkbox state (in header).
With CheckboxColumnComponent field which allows providing dataItem field name or predicate function.
<kendo-grid-checkbox-column showSelectAll="true" disableSelection="isDisabled">
<kendo-grid-checkbox-column showSelectAll="true" [disableSelection]="isDisabledPredicateFunction">
If you don't want to add more selection concerns into CheckboxColumnComponent this field could be specified in your SelectableSettings as well:
public selectableSettngs: SelectableSettings = {
enabled: true,
checkboxOnly: false,
mode: 'multiple',
cell: false,
drag: false,
rowEnabled: mySelectableRowPredicateFunction
rowEnabled field could something like this:
export declare type RowEnabledSelectionFn = (context: RowArgs) => boolean | boolean;
export interface SelectableSettings {
* Determines if row selection is allowed.
* @default true
rowEnabled?: RowEnabledSelectionFn;
Thank you
Currently, there is only an option for setting a label for the filter cell operators DropDownList available in the CustomMessagesComponent:
Provide a similar property for setting a custom value for the title attribute of the filter cell operators DropDownList through the custom messages attribute bindings.
As the FilterInputWrapperComponents set currentOperator(value: string) uses a hard coded list of operator values (isnull isempty isnotnull isnotemty), it is impossible to create a custom FilterOperator that has no search string - so we can't have isnullorempty isnotnullorempty (or isblank/isnotblank).
Please introduce a requiresSearchValue on the FilterOperatorBase class and make sure FilterInputWrapperComponents does decisions based on that.
Please introduce a isnullorempty/isnotnullorempty filter operator (for strings).
Additional context/sample usage:
<kendo-grid-column title="Employee / Prospect" field="Name" width="160">
<ng-template kendoGridCellTemplate let-field let-value let-dataItem>
<span *ngIf="dataItem.IsProspect" class="pull-left">{{dataItem.Name}}
<p class="prospect-indicator pull-right" data-letters="P"></p>
<span *ngIf="!dataItem.IsProspect">{{dataItem.Name}}</span>
<ng-template kendoGridHeaderTemplate let-column>
<span title={{column.title}}>{{column.title}}</span>
<ng-template kendoGridFilterMenuTemplate let-filter let-column="column" let-filterService="filterService">
<kendo-filter-isempty-operator text="xIs blank"></kendo-filter-isempty-operator>
<kendo-filter-isnotempty-operator text="xIs not blank"></kendo-filter-isnotempty-operator>
Currently the Grid checkbox column selection does not allow for selecting a range of rows via shift-click.
As this seems to be a behavior that users expect, based on a similar experience with popular applications like for example Outlook and Gmail, we can consider introducing this behavior in the Grid too.
For example:
When we click on a check box and Shift+click on another checkbox all the rows in between these rows should be checked. Ex: click on 2nd row and shift click on 8th row, all the rows in between 2nd and 8th should be selected.
The current FilterService does not handle nested composite filter descriptors, ignoring them and only processing individual filter descriptors. This limits functionality, especially for complex filtering scenarios. The request is to enhance FilterService to fully support and process nested composite filter descriptors.
Look at the notes for use cases.
There is already checkbox column and check/select all on header level, but it will be great to see checkbox on group level header too, so we can select/deselect all items in the group.
Currently, when using the kendoGridInCellEditing directive of the Grid, the cell enters edit mode with a single mouse click. The only approach for modifying the default behavior is by manually implementing the editing functionality and handling the HTML dblclick event, as demonstrated in the following article:
Please provide an option that enables specifying whether the in-cell editing is activated upon a single or double click when using the kendoGridInCellEditing directive.
In the documentation it says that sticky columns are not available while using virtual columns. It is really important for us to virtualize columns, when there's a lot of them in the grid, but also being able to use a sticky column at the same time.
Can you please consider implementing sticky columns while virtual columns are also enabled?
Best regards,
This will allow developers to target a specific element where they want to render the popups, similar to the Grid POPUP_CONTAINER. This will help render the popup at Grid container level which will display then inside the FullScreen API.
This is regarding the row and column reordering as they append to the body.
Similar to the HintSettings appendTo property:
The Angular Grid export only includes PDF and Excel formats. Requesting an enhancement to be able to export to CSV for purposes of opening the data in a text editor other than Excel or to allow for easier upload into other applications.
There are articles that show how to do this but it would be better out of the box from Telerik.
Hi, Team!
I would like to request functionality that enables me to implement a feature allowing the users to drag and drop multiple rows simultaneously inside the Kendo UI for Angular Grid.
Hi, Team!
Currently, the built-in row reordering feature is not compatible with the grouping feature of the Grid component. Therefore, I would like to request a feature where the drag and drop of records inside a single group or across multiple groups is possible.
A possible workaround that requires additional logic for the full implementation of the logic: